Alabama Career Essentials
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Alabama Career Essentials (ACE)

Ready to Work is now Alabama Career Essentials (ACE).

For more information about the course schedule or to enroll, please contact Emily Wyatt at

Why Enroll in ACE?

The ACE program is a free job training program for non-traditional students. It is designed by the Alabama Community College System to provide the individual with the tools and employability skills needed to be successful in the workplace. ACE offers two employment credentials that most employers consider when hiring: the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), and the Alabama Certified Employee Certificate (ACE).


ACE provides the student with nine component modules that are essential to obtaining employment:

  • Computer Literacy
  • Math for Work
  • Workplace Etiquette
  • Communication
  • Financial Literacy
  • Resolving Problems in the Workplace
  • Healthy Workplace Environment
  • Employment Preparation
  • Workplace Safety


Alabama’s ACE program provides a career pathway for individuals with limited education and employment experience.  ACE workplace environment provides entry-level skills required for employment with most businesses and industries in Alabama.  Training is provided at no cost to participants.

The ACE curriculum is set to standards cited by business and industry employees throughout the state and the skills cited in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Reports.

The ACE program is managed by the Alabama Community College System Office (ACCS).

The ACE curriculum is delivered through programs located at Alabama community colleges.

Qualified participants may enter the ACE program at any time judged appropriate by the ACE Program Director.  For detailed enrollment requirements, contact the nearest participating Alabama community college.

Certification requirements include:

  • 100% attendance and punctuality rate
  • Satisfactory achievement of work ethic, organizational skills, attitude, and motivation
  • 80% or higher on all required assessments
  • Successful completion of WorkKeys assessment with level 3 or higher

Upon successful completion of the ACE program, graduates will receive the two industry recognized credentials listed below.

  • National Career Readiness Certificate- issued by ACT
  • Alabama Certified Employee Certificate- issued by ACCS

The ACE core curriculum consists of nine training modules and ACT WorkKeys.    All curriculum modules, including ACT WorkKeys, are structured to reinforce the essentials skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and arithmetic.

ACE curriculum includes both online and classroom components.  Assessments are used to measure mastery of skills presented through the curriculum.  All assessments must be completed with a score of 80% of higher to receive credit.

The ACE program now offers industry-specific training options.  Companies are able to choose an optional concentration that provides targeted training for their business.  Selecting this option will require participants to take one additional training module to earn that industry-specific concentration.  The concentrations are designed to introduce participants to the basic skills required in the specific industry.

The Alabama Certified Employee Certificate can be used the following ways:
  • a prerequisite for entry-level employees
  • professional development for existing employees
  • a tool for internal career advancement or promotion

Training is provided at no cost to the participant but requires an investment of time and a willingness to learn new skills.  Individuals who successfully complete the ACE program are more prepared to become productive employees.  Participants receive training in soft skills that will improve employee retention, time management, problem-solving skills, critical thinking techniques, and much more.

ACE participants are required to demonstrate a positive work ethic throughout their progression through the program.  Participants are monitored on attendance, punctuality, attitude, motivation, organization, and overall workplace ethics.

Graduates of the ACE program have successfully advanced through rigorous training and experimental learning activities to prepare them to excel in the workforce.  These participants will show dedication, initiative, and that they are ACE!

For more information on becoming a business and industry partner, visit ACCS.