Shelton State Libraries provide a wide range of electronic resources to help with research. eBooks are listed in the catalog and available via a click-through link. Below, you will find links to additional items. If you have trouble with access, feel free to contact the libraries for help. Tutorials are provided in the tutorial section of this website.
eResources Accessible On or Off Campus
- Alabama Virtual Library
- Paid for by the state of Alabama and available free-of-charge to all residents, the AVL does not require any login information. If you live near the state line or have satellite internet, it may be necessary to contact the library for login credentials.
- A to Z Food America
- A to Z World of Food
- CQ Researcher
- Credo Reference
- DigitalTheatre+
- Films on Demand: Master Academic Package
- Films on Demand: Nursing Collection
- Gale Literature Resources
- Ovid Nursing/Medical Book Collection
- Salem Press History and Literature
- Videatives