Shelton State Community College provides library services in the Brooks-Cork Library on the Dr. Harold C. and Evelyn Martin Campus and in the Lewis Library on the C. A. Fredd Campus to serve all students, regardless of the programs in which they are enrolled. While the College views the libraries and related services as one entity, the Lewis Library retains its original designation in recognition of the historically black status of the Fredd Campus. Upon moving to the Martin Campus on Old Greensboro Road, the library was named for Karen Phifer Brooks and Susan Phifer Cork, two members of the J. Reese Phifer family, which has been supportive of the College in a number of ways for many years. The Books-Cork Library was dedicated on May 27, 1998. The branch library on the Fredd Campus was officially named the Louise Boyd Lewis Library on May 4, 2006. For more information on the naming of the Brooks-Cork Library, visit Brooks-Cork Library Naming. For more information on the naming of the Lewis Library, visit the Lewis Library Naming.
The Brooks-Cork Library serves as the main College library. Its holdings provide support for both academic and technical programs. A special collection, the Lon Alexander, Sr., Employee Publications Collection, named in memory of a member of the faculty, is housed in this library. The library is designed loosely on the “Information Commons” principle, in which all electronic or mediated information sources (e.g. computer databases, videos, slides, etc.) are centralized — literally and figuratively — in the library. Custom-designed tables facilitate the use of these resources and provide space for students and librarians to work collaboratively when seeking information. Other special features include group study rooms, which students may use when studying together or working on group assignments, and divided circulation services. The Circulation Desk, located at the entrance of the library, is the primary site for information and circulation of books and materials that leave the library. The Audiovisuals/Reserves Desk, located deep within the library, is the site for in-house circulation of materials. Finally, a “silent study” area is located at the rear of the library to provide a place for quiet study and concentration that is separate from the busier areas of the Information Commons, the circulation desks, and the current periodicals section.
The Lewis Library is housed in the Administration Building on the Fredd Campus and supports the programs based on the Fredd Campus. In addition, the Lewis Library’s collection includes program-specific materials, basic reference, and a small section on black history and culture to support its status as an Historically Black College and University (HBCU) campus. It includes one office for library staff and one storage closet for equipment and other materials. The library is furnished with reading tables, lounge furniture, computer workstations, and library shelving for books and other curricular materials. It is connected to the main library through the College network and through the electronic library catalog so that all information about library resources is available on the Fredd Campus.
Shelton State’s library initiated its online system in 1994 using a Dynix library system. This system has undergone numerous changes over the years, most recently, from Innovative Interfaces Sierra to OCLC’s WMS. This system includes circulation, cataloging, reserves, public access, and media components. Library users may access the catalog in the library on each campus or through the internet from off-site.
Current information is available on both campuses in print and electronic format. Current subscriptions to periodicals as well as to computer databases provide information for students in a number of general and specific subject areas. Information and articles can be printed directly through the computers on which the databases are accessed.
The library provides access to AV materials through several databases.