Graduation & Ceremonies
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Graduation & Ceremonies

Graduation is, perhaps, the most memorable and happy occasion for Shelton State Community College. We are honored to recognize those who have completed a program of study and who have earned a certificate or degree. Graduation is the culmination of a student’s time at Shelton State, but it also marks the beginning of that student’s next steps toward greater goals in the world of work or higher education.

Graduation Ceremonies

  • Technical Programs: 9:00 a.m., Friday, May 2, 2025
  • Academic & Health Services Programs: 11:00 a.m., Friday, May 2, 2025
  • Location: Both ceremonies will be held in the Martin Campus Gymnasium.

All ceremonies will be live-streamed by the College on SSCC Live.

Graduates should check-in in the Atrium while family members and guests should enter at the Gym entrance.

View and Buy Graduation Photos

Applying for Graduation

“Graduation” or “conferral of degree” are synonymous. They refer to the date that your degree is awarded. Our graduation ceremony is an event held once a semester. Attendance at the graduation ceremony is not a guarantee of degree conferral.


The deadline to apply for graduation for the spring semester is April 17, 2025. It is the student’s responsibility to meet this deadline. Failure to apply by the deadline could delay your degree conferral and will result in exclusion from the graduation ceremony. All students are required to submit a graduation application in their last semester of coursework, even if they do not plan to participate in the graduation ceremony.


Make sure to review your Degree Works audit worksheet in your myShelton account before submitting the graduation application. If you have questions about your degree audit, please contact your advisor.


Graduation Application



Cost of Diploma

A $15 fee is required to purchase a diploma. To order, log into your myShelton account, scroll down to the My Student Account section, and click on “Payments.” Next, click on “Make Payment,” add a diploma, and make your payment. You can also make payment in the Cashier’s Office on the Martin campus. The $15.00 payment is non-refundable. The deadline to pay for your diploma for the spring term is May 9, 2025.


If you are a former student, please email to purchase a diploma.


Cap and Gown Information

Caps and gowns do not have to be pre-ordered. If special sizes are needed, such as small or extra large, make your purchase early before the supply gets low.  For more information, contact the Bookstore at 205.391.2222.  Early purchases are encouraged to ensure enough time to place a re-order if needed.  Caps and gowns may not be embellished.  This includes cap decorations of any kind.


Caps and gowns may be picked up at the Martin Campus bookstore.

Gown, Cap, and Tassel bundle: $49.98 (Price is subject to change.)
Gown only: $30.98 (Price is subject to change.)
Cap only: $10.98 (Price is subject to change.)
Tassel only: $7.98 (Price is subject to change.)
Diploma Cover: $19.98 (Price is subject to change.)

The listed prices are before tax.


Phi Theta Kappa (Honor Society) Graduates
Members of Phi Theta Kappa are welcome to wear regalia (honor cords, stole, and/or tassel) in the graduation ceremony. Honor cords, stole, and/or tassel can be purchased at the PTK store at The wearing of Key Medallions is reserved for chapter officers. For more information, contact Dr. Kevin Windham at 205.391.2469 or


Video Access

Access to Graduation will be available on the College’s YouTube channel.

Honors Convocation is one of the most noteworthy and meaningful events at Shelton State Community College.  It is a celebration of excellence among the students and it is the occasion when faculty and staff come together publicly to recognize and applaud outstanding achievement.   In addition to recognizing student excellence, Honors Day gives us the opportunity to celebrate the contributions of faculty, staff, parents, and friends who, often, have created a partnership that provides the support that makes success possible.


Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025

Time: 2:00 p.m.

Location: Martin Campus Gymnasium


Honorees should check in at 1:00 p.m. in the hallway outside the Martin Campus D-Rooms before lining up for the processional.


Students nominated to receive honors were notified via email. They must complete the registration information to attend. The deadline to register to attend Honors Convocation is Thursday, April 24, at 5:00 p.m.


2024 Honors Convocation Program

2023 Honors Convocation Program

Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Location: Martin Campus Gymnasium


Parking is available at the West Entrance. The ceremony will be held in the Martin Campus Gymnasium.


Photography and Video
Photography and video photography are allowed during the ceremony.

Shelton State offers an online Photo Store where you may purchase photographs and other merchandise. Please allow up to 3 weeks after the date of the event for photos to become available.

Date: Thursday, May 1, 2025

Time: 4:00 p.m.

Location: Martin Campus Gymnasium


Graduation Cost

No fee will be charged for participating in the graduation ceremony and you will receive a certificate and five graduation announcements. Guests will not need an announcement in order to attend the ceremony.


Cap and Gown Information

You will be responsible for purchasing your own cap, gown, and tassel (cap, gown, and tassel are black) from the Follett bookstore on the SSCC Martin campus at a cost of $36.00 (price is subject to change). You will be notified of the availability of items, location for pick-up, and methods of payment.


Graduation Registration

You will need to register to participate in the ceremony by visiting the Adult Education office in Building 200 on the C.A. Fredd campus, 3401 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 any time before TBD. For those awaiting April/May GED scores, registration will be allowed through TBD, provided you have purchased your cap, gown, and tassel and have proof of passing scores from the GED Testing Center, though your name will not appear in the graduation program. Register during the following hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.



Graduation rehearsal will be held an hour prior to the ceremony. Graduates should arrive at the Martin Campus Gymnasium to check in and line up for rehearsal. The rehearsal (practice processional) will begin promptly at 3:00 p.m.; therefore, graduates will need to check in and line up. During the rehearsal, we will cover all instructions for the ceremony, including line-up, entry, walk across stage, and exit. Seats will also be assigned, and honor graduates will be announced.


Parking is available at the West Entrance. The ceremony will be held in the Martin Campus Gymnasium.



  • Graduates are required to be dressed in cap and gown and lined up in the hallway beside the theatre one hour prior to the ceremony. Signs will be posted and adult education faculty/staff will be at the theatre entrance to guide you to the hallway. Signs will be posted and adult education faculty/staff will be at the gymnasium entrance to guide you to the hallway.
  • Stop by the check-in table in the classroom near the hallway to receive and verify your name card. This is what you will hand to the announcer as you are about to go on stage.
  • Graduates will line up alphabetically.


Appropriate Attire
The graduation gowns are black. Please wear the following:

  • Women:   Cap and gown, dark dress, dark dress shoes
  • Men:  Cap and gown, shirt with collar, dark tie, dark slacks, and dark socks/shoes
  • Caps and gowns may not be embellished.  This includes cap decorations of any kind.
Note:  Press graduation gowns with cool iron.

Positioning the Graduation Attire

  • Position the cap so the top is flat. It should not be set on the back of the head. The front point should be approximately one inch above the eyebrows. Please secure with a bobby pin.
  • Place the tassel on the right side during the ceremony. You will be told when to move the tassel to the left.


Proper Stage Etiquette

  • When walking across the stage to receive the diploma, hand the name card to the announcer. Your name will be read as it has been printed on the card.
  • Extend your right hand to shake hands with the person handing you the diploma and receive the diploma with your left hand. Smile, say thank you, and continue across the stage.


Event Etiquette

  • The commencement ceremony is a time of great honor and dignity and a special occasion for our graduates and their family members. We ask that you refrain from talking, cheering, excessive movement, and using electronic devices during the ceremony.
  • Please remind guests that the gymnasium will not be open to the general public until 3:30 due to rehearsal. Guests should be seated prior to 3:45 p.m. as the ceremony will begin promptly at 4:00.
  • Balloons and gift items for graduates are not allowed in the ceremony venue.


Photography and Video
Photography and video photography are allowed during the ceremony.

Shelton State offers an online Photo Store where you may purchase photographs and other merchandise. Please allow up to 3 weeks after the date of the event for photos to become available.


Conclusion of Ceremony
During the ceremony, you will receive a certificate cover, but not your actual certificate. At the conclusion of the ceremony, please return to the area where you checked in to receive your certificate.

There will be no HIT Ceremony this spring.  


Participation in the Pinning Ceremony

HIT students who complete the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Health Information Technology and the Certificate program in Medical Coding have the option of participating in a pinning ceremony. The pinning ceremony is a symbolic event serving as a transitional step signaling the end of the training period as a student and the beginning of a career as a professional. Each graduating student will be awarded the SSCC-designated Health Information Technology pin for their hard work and dedication. The ceremony is held at the end of the fall semester each year and will be under the auspices of Shelton State Community College and thus under the general control of the HIT Program administration and faculty.


Health Information Pin Information

The HIT graduate pin is a circular-shape pin; it is custom-designed for graduates of the Shelton State HIT Program. The pin includes two special words specific to students’ journey in the program:

Dedication– The quality of being committed to a task or purpose. HIT Professionals are committed to protecting the privacy and security of patient health information. This dedication must extend to creating efficiencies and to the extent possible eliminating fraud and abuse in the healthcare system. HIT professionals become a part of a complex system that must serve all patients with excellence and dignity.


Excellence– The state, quality, or condition of excelling; superiority. Excellence is about contributing our best to the world while evoking others to do the same. It is about understanding our place and making our mark in the world, as we attempt to make it a better place. Excellence is about contribution and honoring others as we move forward towards our vision. Excellence lies in the hearts of all who evoke it in others by mentoring, supporting, exemplifying, and giving back.


These two words explain what it takes to be successful, not only in the HIT Program, but also in life. Graduates are expected to wear their pins as part of their uniform wherever employed. For more information about securing of the pin contact the HIT office at 205.391.2641.


Pins: $7.00 (Price is subject to change.)



Pinning Ceremony practice is conducted by the Health Information Technology faculty and staff and graduates will be notified of the practice time. Graduates are asked to attend practice in order to make the ceremony proceed smoothly.



Parking is available at the West Entrance for the December Pinning Ceremony held in the Martin Campus Gymnasium.



Participants are to line up in the designated hallway near the Martin Campus Gymnasium thirty minutes prior to the ceremony.


Appropriate Attire

  • Graduates are required to wear black pants, white top with a collar and black shoes.
  • Shoulder length or longer hair must be pulled back and pinned up away from the face. Minimal jewelry and makeup should be worn.
    Note: Attire must be clean, neat, pressed, and well-fitted.
  • Faculty, staff and attendees suggested attire is dressy casual.


Arrival and Event Procedures

Health Information Technology graduates are expected to arrive at the selected pinning ceremony location in their appropriate attire approximately thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the ceremony. The ceremony begins with a processional of the stage guests, Health Information Technology faculty and staff, and Health Information Technology graduates. Everyone is asked to stand for the processional. The ceremony will consist of a general welcome, introduction of faculty and staff, pinning of the graduates, presentation of awards, and a recessional of the graduates.


Proper Stage Etiquette

  • When the announcer reads the graduate’s name, the graduate will walk to the front of the stage to be pinned.
  • The graduate will hand the pin to the instructor and stand with one shoulder facing the audience to be pinned. Smile, say thank you, and proceed to the designated place until all graduates are pinned.


Photography and Video

Photography and video are allowed during the ceremony.

Shelton State offers an online Photo Store where you may purchase photographs and other merchandise. Please allow up to 3 weeks after the date of the event for photos to become available.


Event Etiquette
The Health Information Technology Pinning Ceremony is a time of great honor and dignity and a special occasion for our graduates and their family members. We ask that you refrain from talking, cheering, excessive movement, and using electronic devices during the ceremony.  Balloons and gift items for graduates are not allowed in the ceremony venue.


Conclusion of Ceremony
At the conclusion of the ceremony, staff members will direct family and friends to the reception area.

Date: Thursday, May 1, 2025

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Location: Martin Campus Gymnasium


Participation in the Pinning Ceremony

Nursing students who complete the Associate Degree, Practical Nursing, and Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide programs have the option of participating in a pinning ceremony. The pinning ceremony is a time-honored nursing school tradition. It signifies the new graduate’s official initiation into the nursing profession. The ceremony is rich with symbolism; and the history of this rite of passage can be traced back to the Crusades of the 12th century. The ceremony is held at the end of each semester and will be under the auspices of Shelton State Community College and thus under the general control of the nursing administration and faculty.


Nursing Pin and Lamp Information

The pin the nursing student receives is custom designed for students in each Shelton State Nursing Program. The Associate Degree Nursing students receive a circular shaped pin, the Practical Nursing students a diamond shaped pin, and the Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide student receive a circular shaped pin. The nursing pin represents the completed education as well as a commitment to service and caregiving. Graduates are expected to purchase a pin to participate in the ceremony.

Graduates are also expected to wear their pins as part of their uniform wherever employed.


In the nursing profession, the lamp holds a special, symbolic tribute to Florence Nightingale. With only a lamp to light her way during the Crimean War, Ms. Nightingale spent endless hours tending the wounded soldiers. As a tribute to Ms. Nightingale’s dedication the lighting of the lamp is part of the ceremony. The graduates are expected to purchase a lamp. The pin and lamp have to be pre-ordered through the nursing programs office, approximate costs are listed below. For more information contact the nursing office at 205.391.2445.

Pins: ADN – $50.00 (price is subject to change)
PN – $25.00 (price is subject to change)
NA/HHA – $25.00 (price is subject to change)
Lamp: $6.00 (price is subject to change)



Pinning Ceremony practice is conducted by the nursing programs faculty and staff. Graduates will be notified of time related to class schedules.  Graduates are asked to attend to help make the ceremony proceed smoothly.



Parking is available at the West Entrance of the Martin Campus Gymnasium.


Graduates are required to be dressed in white uniform (pants and top or dress) and lined up in the designated hallway near the Gymnasium thirty minutes prior to the ceremony.


Appropriate Attire

  • Participants/Nursing Graduates: White uniform (pants and top or dress), white socks or hose, and white closed toed leather shoes. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be pulled back and pinned up away from the face. Minimal jewelry and makeup should be worn.
  • Faculty/staff participants should be dressed in dressy casual attire.

Note: Uniforms must be clean, neat, pressed, and well fitted.


Arrival and Event Procedures

Nursing graduates are expected to arrive at the selected pinning ceremony location in their white uniforms approximately thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the ceremony. The ceremony begins with a processional of the stage guests, nursing faculty and staff, and nursing graduates. Attendees or audience are asked to stand for the processional. The ceremony will consist of a general welcome, introduction of faculty and staff, pinning of the graduates, lighting of the lamps, nursing and alumni pledges, and a recessional of the graduates.  A small reception is provided prior to or at the end of the ceremony.


Proper Stage Etiquette

  • When the announcer reads the graduate’s name, the graduate will walk to the front of the stage to be pinned.
  • The graduate will hand the pin to the instructor and stand with one shoulder facing the audience to be pinned. Smile and say thank you, continue across the stage to receive a lamp, and proceed to the designated place until all graduates are pinned.
  • After all graduates have been pinned, the designated instructor will invite graduates to the front of the stage or designated place for the lighting of the lamp.
  • The designated instructor will offer the flame to two graduates who will then offer it to a fellow graduate until all are lighted.
  • At the conclusion of the lighting ceremony, graduates will return to their seats for the remainder of the ceremony.


Photography and Video
Photography and video are allowed during the ceremony.

Shelton State offers an online Photo Store where you may purchase photographs and other merchandise. Please allow up to 3 weeks after the date of the event for photos to become available.


Event Etiquette
The Nursing Pinning Ceremony is a time of great honor and dignity and a special occasion for our graduates and their family members. We ask that you refrain from talking, cheering, excessive movement, and using electronic devices during the ceremony.  Balloons and gift items for graduates are not allowed in the ceremony venue.


Conclusion of Ceremony
During the exiting processional after the Pinning Ceremony has concluded, staff members will direct family and friends to the reception area.

There will be no RPT Ceremony this spring.  


Participation in the Pinning Ceremony

Respiratory students who complete the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Respiratory Therapy have the option of participating in a pinning ceremony. The pinning ceremony is a symbolic event serving as a transitional step signaling the end of the training period as a student and the beginning of a career as a professional. Each graduating student will be awarded the SSCC-designated respiratory therapy pin for their hard work and dedication. The ceremony is held at the end of the fall semester each year and will be under the auspices of Shelton State Community College and thus under the general control of the Respiratory Therapy Program administration and faculty.


Respiratory Therapy Pin Information

The respiratory therapy graduate pin is a circular-shape pin; it is custom-designed for graduates of the Shelton State Respiratory Therapy Program. The respiratory therapy pin includes three special words specific to students’ journey in the program:

Commitment– The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person(s. If committed, support is uncompromising and unending. Commitment drives and anchors during challenging times. Commitment enables us to maintain a high degree of perseverance. Commitment opens the door to self-mastery and excellence.

Excellence– The state, quality, or condition of excelling; superiority. Excellence is about contributing our best to the world while evoking others to do the same. It is about understanding our place and making our mark in the world, as we attempt to make it a better place. Excellence is about contribution and honoring others as we move forward towards our vision. Excellence lies in the hearts of all who evoke it in others by mentoring, supporting, exemplifying, and giving back.

Leadership– The capacity or ability to lead. A good leader is confident about his/her abilities. They have good character, honesty, and integrity. Leaders lead by example and are passionate about their work. For a leader, good is not enough; expectations should be exceeded, and the bar for themselves and those around them should be continually raised.

These three words explain what it takes to be successful, not only in the Respiratory Therapy Program, but also in life.

Graduates are expected to purchase a pin to participate in the ceremony and to wear their pins as part of their uniform wherever employed. For more information about purchase of the pin contact the respiratory therapy office at 205.391.2641.

Pins: $7.00 (Price is subject to change.)



Pinning Ceremony practice is conducted by the Respiratory Therapy Program faculty and staff and graduates will be notified of the practice time. Graduates are asked to attend practice in order to make the ceremony proceed smoothly.



Parking is available at the West Entrance for the December Pinning Ceremony held in the Martin Campus Gymnasium.



Participants are to line up in the designated hallway near the Martin Campus Gymnasium thirty minutes prior to the ceremony.


Appropriate Attire

  • Participants/Respiratory Therapy Graduates are required to wear black pants, white tops, and laboratory coats. Shoulder length or longer hair must be pulled back and pinned up away from the face. Minimal jewelry and makeup should be worn.
    Note: Attire must be clean, neat, pressed, and well-fitted.
  • Faculty, staff and attendees suggested attire is dressy casual.


Arrival and Event Procedures

Respiratory Therapy graduates are expected to arrive at the selected pinning ceremony location in their appropriate attire approximately thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the ceremony. The ceremony begins with a processional of the stage guests, respiratory therapy faculty and staff, and respiratory therapy graduates. Everyone is asked to stand for the processional. The ceremony will consist of a general welcome, introduction of faculty and staff, pinning of the graduates, presentation of awards, and a recessional of the graduates.


Proper Stage Etiquette

  • When the announcer reads the graduate’s name, the graduate will walk to the front of the stage to be pinned.
  • The graduate will hand the pin to the instructor and stand with one shoulder facing the audience to be pinned. Smile, say thank-you, and proceed to the designated place until all graduates are pinned.


Photography and Video

Photography and video are allowed during the ceremony.

Shelton State offers an online Photo Store where you may purchase photographs and other merchandise. Please allow up to 3 weeks after the date of the event for photos to become available.


Event Etiquette
The Respiratory Therapy Pinning Ceremony is a time of great honor and dignity and a special occasion for our graduates and their family members. We ask that you refrain from talking, cheering, excessive movement, and using electronic devices during the ceremony.  Balloons and gift items for graduates are not allowed in the ceremony venue.


Conclusion of Ceremony
At the conclusion of the ceremony, staff members will direct family and friends to the reception area.