There will be no RPT Ceremony this spring.
Participation in the Pinning Ceremony
Respiratory students who complete the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Respiratory Therapy have the option of participating in a pinning ceremony. The pinning ceremony is a symbolic event serving as a transitional step signaling the end of the training period as a student and the beginning of a career as a professional. Each graduating student will be awarded the SSCC-designated respiratory therapy pin for their hard work and dedication. The ceremony is held at the end of the fall semester each year and will be under the auspices of Shelton State Community College and thus under the general control of the Respiratory Therapy Program administration and faculty.
Respiratory Therapy Pin Information
The respiratory therapy graduate pin is a circular-shape pin; it is custom-designed for graduates of the Shelton State Respiratory Therapy Program. The respiratory therapy pin includes three special words specific to students’ journey in the program:
Commitment– The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person(s. If committed, support is uncompromising and unending. Commitment drives and anchors during challenging times. Commitment enables us to maintain a high degree of perseverance. Commitment opens the door to self-mastery and excellence.
Excellence– The state, quality, or condition of excelling; superiority. Excellence is about contributing our best to the world while evoking others to do the same. It is about understanding our place and making our mark in the world, as we attempt to make it a better place. Excellence is about contribution and honoring others as we move forward towards our vision. Excellence lies in the hearts of all who evoke it in others by mentoring, supporting, exemplifying, and giving back.
Leadership– The capacity or ability to lead. A good leader is confident about his/her abilities. They have good character, honesty, and integrity. Leaders lead by example and are passionate about their work. For a leader, good is not enough; expectations should be exceeded, and the bar for themselves and those around them should be continually raised.
These three words explain what it takes to be successful, not only in the Respiratory Therapy Program, but also in life.
Graduates are expected to purchase a pin to participate in the ceremony and to wear their pins as part of their uniform wherever employed. For more information about purchase of the pin contact the respiratory therapy office at 205.391.2641.
Pins: $7.00 (Price is subject to change.)
Pinning Ceremony practice is conducted by the Respiratory Therapy Program faculty and staff and graduates will be notified of the practice time. Graduates are asked to attend practice in order to make the ceremony proceed smoothly.
Parking is available at the West Entrance for the December Pinning Ceremony held in the Martin Campus Gymnasium.
Participants are to line up in the designated hallway near the Martin Campus Gymnasium thirty minutes prior to the ceremony.
Appropriate Attire
- Participants/Respiratory Therapy Graduates are required to wear black pants, white tops, and laboratory coats. Shoulder length or longer hair must be pulled back and pinned up away from the face. Minimal jewelry and makeup should be worn.
Note: Attire must be clean, neat, pressed, and well-fitted.
- Faculty, staff and attendees suggested attire is dressy casual.
Arrival and Event Procedures
Respiratory Therapy graduates are expected to arrive at the selected pinning ceremony location in their appropriate attire approximately thirty minutes prior to the beginning of the ceremony. The ceremony begins with a processional of the stage guests, respiratory therapy faculty and staff, and respiratory therapy graduates. Everyone is asked to stand for the processional. The ceremony will consist of a general welcome, introduction of faculty and staff, pinning of the graduates, presentation of awards, and a recessional of the graduates.
Proper Stage Etiquette
- When the announcer reads the graduate’s name, the graduate will walk to the front of the stage to be pinned.
- The graduate will hand the pin to the instructor and stand with one shoulder facing the audience to be pinned. Smile, say thank-you, and proceed to the designated place until all graduates are pinned.
Photography and Video
Photography and video are allowed during the ceremony.
Shelton State offers an online Photo Store where you may purchase photographs and other merchandise. Please allow up to 3 weeks after the date of the event for photos to become available.
Event Etiquette
The Respiratory Therapy Pinning Ceremony is a time of great honor and dignity and a special occasion for our graduates and their family members. We ask that you refrain from talking, cheering, excessive movement, and using electronic devices during the ceremony. Balloons and gift items for graduates are not allowed in the ceremony venue.
Conclusion of Ceremony
At the conclusion of the ceremony, staff members will direct family and friends to the reception area.