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Medical Laboratory Technician FAQs

For further information, you may contact or 205.391.2677.

A medical laboratory technician (MLT) performs clinical laboratory testing using analytical instruments to help doctors diagnose, treat, and prevent disease.

  1. Submit a Shelton State Community College (SSCC) application to obtain a student ID/A number.
  2. Meet with an SSCC advisor to plan prerequisites and general education courses. Visit the SSCC Advising Page to schedule an appointment.
  3. Complete and submit the MLT Program application online before the fall deadline each year (July 1). MLT applications and official transcripts will be evaluated to determine if the applicant meets the current MLT Program selection criteria. Applicants will be deemed ineligible if the admission requirements are not met.

Generally, we admit between 15-25 students each academic year based on a point system.

To be admitted for the fall semester, all MLT applications must be completed before July 1.

Program enrollment is limited to 15 to 25 students each academic year.

Upon admission to the program, the Program Director and instructor will advise all MLT students.

  1. CHM 104 (Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry)
  2. BIO 103 (Principles of Biology I)
  3. MTH 100 (Intermediate College Algebra or higher-level math course)
  4. ENG 101 (English Composition I)

The program’s MLT professional phase is five consecutive semesters. The admitted student must follow the program course sequence.

The program is two years. Students typically begin taking the four required pre-requisite courses during the summer semester. The MLT professional phase begins in the fall of each year, with students taking the MLT coursework as listed in the semester sequence for the next four semesters. The clinical component will be completed during the final semester which will be the spring semester of the second year.

  1. A student must achieve a minimum grade of C (75) or above in every MLT course and a grade of C (70) or above in required general education courses.
  2. MLT courses are designed to be taught sequentially. A student must have a minimum final grade of 75 in each MLT course in order to proceed to the next term. (Please see Program Progression Policy.)

Students are required to complete a 15-week, 360-hour clinical rotation for all major MLT practicum courses at an assigned clinical laboratory and or in the SSCC MLT Laboratory classroom.  The MLT Program Director assigns clinical rotation locations according to agency availability. Before beginning the clinical rotation, students will be required to have competed all general education and MLT courses with a “C” or better.

Working a full-time or part-time job is not advisable.  However, those who work during weekends or evenings may remain employed as long as it does not interfere with the clinical rotation.

Currently, the clinical rotation is offered only during the spring semester of the second year, according to program course sequences.

Upon completion of the program, students are eligible to take the Medical Laboratory Technician exam through the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) or other agencies.  If successful on the exam, the student will be a certified medical laboratory technician.

Yes, all MLT students must purchase and wear scrubs during student campus lab experiences and the clinical rotation semester. Acceptable colors of scrubs will be discussed at the MLT student orientation.

The lecture component of the MLT program is delivered through the Canvas Learning Management System using both synchronous and asynchronous formats. The laboratory experiences will be held on the SSCC Fredd Campus (face-to-face). The clinical experience at assigned facilities is also face-to-face.

Almost all MLT core courses are hybrid, which means the student must attend lectures online (synchronously) at specified times as well as complete asynchronous activities during the semester. Students will be expected to attend the laboratory sessions on the Fredd Campus and practicum (clinical rotation) at affiliated clinical sites in the area in person (face-to-face).

According to NAACLS Standard, the MLT program must receive its accreditation before graduating the first cohort group of MLT students. The graduating MLT students will be eligible to sit for a national board of certification examination.