Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024
Goal 1 – Student Success: Shelton State is committed to providing quality instruction and educational options across academic, technical, and health services programs.
Objective 1.1 – Academic Education: Shelton State will ensure that all students pursuing an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science degree will be provided quality programming that will promote academic progress while preparing students to find success upon obtaining a degree.
Indicators: Enrollment, progression rates, completion rates, and transfer rates
Objective 1.2 – Technical Education: Shelton State will ensure that all students pursuing a Certificate or Associate in Applied Science degree will be provided quality programming that will promote progress within a program while preparing students to find success in the workforce.
Indicators: Enrollment, progression rates, completion rates, and job placement rates
Objective 1.3 – Health Education: Shelton State will ensure that all students pursuing a Certificate or Associate in Applied Science degree will be provided quality programming that will promote progress within a program while preparing students to find success in an area of health services.
Indicators: Enrollment, progression rates, completion rates, and job placement rates
Goal 2 – Strengthening Communities: Shelton State will work continuously to improve relationships with our constituents, both internal and external, in order to better meet the needs of our community.
Objective 2.1 – Strengthening External Communities – Workforce Development: Shelton State will continue to strengthen its relationships with constituents within its service area focused on workforce development by offering a diverse selection of relevant, non-credit training and education opportunities.
Indicators: Non-credit training courses, incumbent worker training courses, partnerships, and adult education
Objective 2.2 – Strengthening External Communities – Establishing and maintaining opportunities that enrich the lives of our community stakeholders: Shelton State will continue to strengthen its relationships with community members within its service area by offering opportunities for engagement that promote education and cultural enrichment.
Indicators: Community education courses, K-12 outreach programming, Theatre Tuscaloosa programming
Objective 2.3 – Strengthening Internal Communities – Building and retaining talent: Shelton State will work to ensure that the College employs a diverse and well-qualified collection of faculty and staff.
Indicators: Full-time/part-time ratio, employee engagement, professional development, and leadership development
Goal 3 – Resource Stewardship: Shelton State will work to expand its available resources and manage those resources in order to maximize the fulfillment of its mission.
Objective 3.1 – Securing Necessary Resources: Shelton State will engage in efforts to continually improve its allocation of resources.
Indicators: Enrollment, state-based funding, diverse funding sources
Objective 3.2 – Managing Financial Resources Effectively: Shelton State will work to ensure that the College is capable of providing excellent services and programming while spending the College’s resources in a responsible manner.
Indicators: Financial stability, technology efficiency and productivity, and facilities/infrastructure