Health Information Technology Student Organization
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Health Information Technology Student Organization (HITSO)

The purpose of the Health Information Technology Student Organization is to foster greater interest and awareness of the Health Information Technology (HIT) Program at Shelton State Community College (SSCC). In addition, its purposes include increasing awareness of professional and technological advancements in health information technology to broaden the scope of study, providing public education and awareness of the HIT profession, and participating in community health promotions and educational activities.  Service to the College and the Health Information Management professional community at the local, state, and national levels is a key goal of the organization. HITSO will encourage membership and participation within the HIT professional organization and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) after graduation.


Membership in HITSO is open to any student enrolled at SSCC who has an interest in the organization, students enrolled in the SSCC HIT Program, and students preparing to enroll in the SSCC HIT Program. The HIT faculty and staff supports the development of student professionalism and leadership attributes, both of which are qualities enriched through student participation in professional organizations and extracurricular activities. Students interested in joining the organization may Janice Washington at 205.391.2637 or