myShelton Account Recovery Setup
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myShelton Account Recovery Setup

The myShelton portal allows you to register for courses, pay tuition, purchase books, and more. Completing this step brings you one step closer to becoming a Buccaneer! All steps must be completed to finalize your account setup.

Step 1: Click here to access myShelton. Then, click on “Portal Login”.

Step 2: Sign in using your myShelton email and PIN/password.

Step 3: User will be directed to re-enter their password.

Step 4: Enter your security questions, then click submit.

Account Recovery Settings

To help with your password recovery, security questions must be added to your account profile. We also require that you add a cell phone number and a personal email address for the additional password recovery options. Once completed, please click on “Go to MyShelton” to access the myShelton portal.

Step 5: Enter your Email Recovery personal email address. This cannot be your or email address.

        1. Add your personal email address. When complete, click Verify.
        2. You will receive a verification code to the personal email address you provided.
        3. Enter the verification code, then click Submit.

Step 6: Enter your Phone Recovery cell phone number.

        1. Add your cell phone number. When complete, click Verify.
        2. You will receive a verification code to the cell phone number you provided.
        3. Enter the verification code, then click Submit.

Step 7: Click Go To myShelton. You will be redirected to the myShelton portal.

Step 8: Follow the steps below to complete the Microsoft Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Setup for your myShelton email.


A. Click on the link below to log into your myShelton email and begin setup.

Go to myShelton 


B. The “More information required” window will appear. Select “NEXT.”

C. Select a verification method.


On the “Additional security verification” page, select one of the following verification methods from the drop-down menu:


  • Authentication Phone (SMS Text Message): With text message verification, an SMS containing a verification code is sent to the mobile phone number.  Select “Send me a code by text message” to receive the verification code and complete the process. If you choose to authenticate using this method, you do not have to download the mobile app.
  • Mobile Authenticator App: The mobile app will receive a verification prompt that can be approved within the application, or a one-time password is presented within the app to be used to complete the login process. Click here for instructions on how to authenticate using the Mobile App.